
Killara Girl About MeHello folks, welcome to my blog!

I’m thrilled to have you stop by and take a glimpse into my journey of life full of twists and turns after reaching 50.

I’m a proud mom of seven amazing kids, a God fearing, fun-loving spirit with a love for photography, travel, and now DYI renovating and exploring new possibilities that life tends to endlessly throw my way.

After hitting the milestone of 50, probably like you, I found myself at a crossroads in a fast changing world full of new challenges and opportunities. This pivotal moment presented me with a need to embark on a journey of reinvention, to rediscover myself, and to pursue a fulfilling course toward personal and financial growth and recovery.

Through this blog, I hope my writings will be a source of encouragement as I share insights, experiences, and lessons learned along my journey.  My hope is to create a supportive and empowering space where women over 50 can find expression, support and practical advice as they navigate their own paths of self-discovery.

I’m so happy and grateful to have you join me on this journey of learning, growth and transformation. Together, let’s embrace the beauty of rediscovery, celebrate the joys of starting over, and embark on a new quest to live our best lives, no matter our age or stage.

Let’s Connect

I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out, share your stories, or simply say hello. Connect with me on Instagram here and Facebook here, or drop your email below to follow updates and new posts by email. And if you’re anything like me, hating to cook that is, my food blog with family friendly menus and quick and easy recipes can be found here.

Here’s to embracing the adventure of life and the endless possibilities that lie ahead!

Warmest wishes,
